My name is Sarah. I began this new venture while living on Peachtree Street with two lovely roommates. I make things compulsively, I am full of crazy ideas, and I have a passion for beautiful things.
This is my blog.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Fan Mobile

I am in love with these pretty paper fans. I saw them at (where else?) Anthropologie some time last semester, and promptly went home and made this mobile for my our living room! This mobile is from a pack of stationary paper at Target. I think it cost me $7.
This semester, I was inspired enough to make a mobile for my room, which has been in dire need of some decorating attention.
I started off with some wallpaper sample books I got FOR FREE from a wallpaper store back home. Seriously. Just ask them what they do with their old sample books, and they will offer one to you. Beautiful, free paper.
Cut the pages into various size rectangles.
Fold them into fans accordion-style.
Push a yarn needle through the middle.
Put some hot glue on the inside bottom.
Press together, and you have a fan.
Once you've made about a gazillion, string them all together. I thread my yarn needle with twine--every time I added another fan, I made a knot about 4 inches up from the last fan.

Find a stick from the backyard. Seriously. Glue your strands of fans onto it.
You can do a single stick, like the one above, or several sticks strategically twined together for a more 3D effect mobile, like this.
Hang it up! I used command hooks from Walmart in my room, looping the twine around them. It worked perfectly.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, these are so cool! You did a great job!
    Congrats on almost being done with college, enjoy that time, you'll miss it!
    -Sarah from Create Studio
